Perio Protect®

Perio Protect® in Ventura, CA
A minimally invasive treatment for gum disease  


For many patients with periodontal disease regular dental visits and home care with brushing and flossing never seem to be enough to maintain good oral health. Some patients even undergo periodontal surgery to help combat the disease. At Goldenberg Dentistry we offer a long-term, minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment option with Perio Protect®

Dr. Joel Goldenberg and Dr. Jessica Goldenberg feel that it is important to take a comprehensive approach when treating gum disease. At Goldenberg dentistry we feel that utilizing the comfortable Perio Tray® in conjunction with regular cleanings helps to achieve and maintain a healthy mouth, and in turn, a more healthy body overall. A custom Perio Tray® is made for each patient that is utilized at home between dental visits. It is similar to a mouth-guard, comfortable to wear, and has a special sealing system that effectively delivers medication below the gums. A medication is placed in the tray and it is worn for a few minutes each day to help fight the bacterial infection.

“Bacteria that cause inflammation and disease are hidden deep below the gums and are extremely difficult to manage at home with toothbrushes, rinses and floss. The Perio Tray is able to reach deep into the pockets between the teeth and gums, applying medication to infected gum tissue that cannot be reached using toothbrushes, dental floss, or mouthwashes.* In fact, the Perio Protect Tray was created to help patients fight periodontal diseases in the most minimally invasive way possible.”



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